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Knochenmarkdiagnostik Modul 6
Our Events
Webinar-Series - Bone Marrow Diagnostics for Hematologists
The course format offers you a comprehensive range of haematological diagnostics. In modules that build on each other, we show you typical, complex and microscopic slides and constellations of findings. You will be able to see rarities of benign and malignant haematology as well as, thanks to a virtual microscope slide box, perform microscopy on your own and thus gain an in-depth understanding of cytomorphology.
The modules can be booked individually or together with other modules. The event recordings can be accessed on demand after the event via our Virtual Microscope Slide Box.
Einführung in die Knochenmarkmorphologie Zytologie & Histologie
Prof. Dr. med. Ines Gütgemann
Dr. med. Anne Marie Asemissen
Durchflusszytometrie und Morphologische Befunde
Prof. Dr. Marion Subklewe
Dr. med. Anne Marie Asemissen
Akute Leukämien & Zytogenetik und FiSH
Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Haferlach
Dr. med. Anne Marie Asemissen
Myelodyplastische Syndrome & Molekulargenetik
Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Metzeler
Dr. med. Anne Marie Asemissen
Myeloproliferative Neoplasien & Molekulargenetik II
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Reiter
Dr. med. Anne Marie Asemissen
Lymphome & Lymphknoten-Histologie
Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram Klapper
Dr. med. Anne Marie Asemissen